CLIL Project for 5C Inf 2015/16
CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) is a term created in 1994 by David Marsh and Anne Maljers as a methodology similar to but distinct from language immersion and content-based instruction.
It's an approach for learning content through an additional language (foreign or second), thus teaching both the subject and the language. The idea of its proponents was to create an umbrella term which encompasses different forms of using language as the medium of instruction.
The activity involves the whole class which is divided into 8 groups of 2 people each. The actual purpose of the work, in addition to legislative requirements (entry into force of the law, audits and final exams), is in fact a mutual enrichment of language and technology.
Group | Names | Job | Comments |
1 | Munzone Sanfilippo | clil-1-php-1.pdf | Before the invention of PHP - History of PHP - Advantages of PHP |
2 | Savoca Schinocca | clil-2-php-2.pdf | Simple variables and operators - HTML Forms - GET and POST |
3 | Errante Mannino | clil-3-php-3.pdf | Opening, closing, reading, writing, moving, copying, deleting files |
4 | Fiorenza Reina | clil-4-php-4.pdf | Checking whether a file exists - Dissecting filename information |
5 | Felis Marchese | clil-5-php-5.pdf | File permissions - Working with directories - Cookies and sessions |
6 | Marano Visco | clil-6-php-6.pdf | Indexed Arrays - Associative Arrays - Iterating through arrays |
7 | Abramo Messina | clil-7-php-7.pdf | Sorting arrays - Randomising arrays - Creating arrays of numbers |
8 | Castro Gilletti | clil-8-php-8.pdf | Functions - Current time - Randomisation - Search and replace |
Disclaimer: all material published on this page is not for profit but is used only for educational purposes.
Amare è dare altrui la propria anima, è animare altrui con la propria anima, è illuderci di dare altrui una vita felice e profonda che altrimenti gli mancherebbe.
Alberto Savinio